You Picked the Wrong RPA Tool. Now What?
Buyer’s remorse is unfortunately a widespread phenomenon among automation programs these days. There are many reasons why organizations might slowly realize that they have procured and implemented the wrong automation platform.
A high level of technical complexity, delays in delivering automations, increased dependence on highly skilled technical resources, underwhelming returns, and a significant maintenance burden are just some of the reasons companies may feel they made the wrong investment.
Learn More: 5 Signs It’s Time to Switch RPA Platforms
The other factor causing organizations to re-evaluate the automation vendor market is next-generation RPA platforms offering better capabilities, extensibility, and a lower price point. Most organizations started their automation journeys several years ago on platforms that are now outdated, expensive, and overly complex. New offerings like Microsoft’s Power Automate deliver a lower total cost of ownership, better capabilities, a more intuitive UI, and seamless compatibility. They are also prime examples of what’s causing companies to rethink their previous buying decision.
Yet the cost and effort of switching RPA platforms deter many companies from making a change, creating a sense of vendor lock-in. However, all is not lost. There are ways to switch RPA vendors quickly and easily without breaking the bank. If you feel you’ve picked the wrong RPA tool and it’s time to move on, here’s how.
#1 - Perform a Value Map Assessment of Your Automation Estate
Before starting to evaluate other vendors, it’s imperative that you get a handle on your automation estate with complete, crystal-clear visibility and understanding by performing a value map assessment.
A value map assessment is an analysis of your entire automation estate to give you invaluable insight such as:
- all the automations in your estate
- the complexity of your automations
- where unnecessary complexities may exist that can be rectified to reduce risk
- redundant automations or where redundancies in your automations may reside
- where those redundancies can be removed to streamline your automation estate and reduce costs moving forward
Because automation programs started several years ago in most organizations, few companies completely understand what they actually have in their automation estate. Automated processes were delivered in legacy tools using outdated and now inaccurate documentation or have been lost in the mind space of employees who are no longer with the company. Value mapping enables you to get that information back and current while also cleaning out what’s not working and optimizing what is for better returns.
Before you move to a better RPA platform that suits your current and future needs, you must understand precisely what you’re moving and, more importantly, what you should leave behind.
#2 - Explore Which Platform is Best for You and How Feasible a Switch is
Evaluating the platform options available in the automation market according to what you’re looking for is the easy part. Whether it’s better compatibility with your enterprise architecture (like Microsoft Power Automate provides), lower cost of ownership, or better capabilities that enable faster automation delivery of more complex processes, this is an evaluation most can perform easily.
What’s equally as essential but slightly more challenging to execute is a feasibility exercise that tells you which next-generation RPA platform you can switch to the fastest with the least effort. This is next to impossible to perform manually; however, there are solutions available that can do this for you at the click of a button, leading us to our next point.
3# - Invest in Technology and a Partner that Can Help You Switch Faster and Cheaper
With the growing desire for companies to switch RPA platforms, naturally, there are providers that have created solutions to meet that demand, including Blueprint.
Blueprint ingests all your automations and delivers a value map assessment with its robust analytics and dashboards. In terms of a migration feasibility assessment, Blueprint takes all of your automations and maps them into the leading platforms. This enables you to see how much of your entire estate and each automation is already mapped to and compatible with your destination RPA platform of choice. It also indicates how much effort will be required to put on the finishing touches for a complete re-deployment.
Blueprint has already helped several organizations overcome their buyer’s remorse and re-platform their automation estates to a next-generation platform with 60-75% time and cost savings. To learn more about how Blueprint’s migration and re-platforming solution works, download the datasheet or speak to one of our experts for a free consultation and estimate.
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