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Global Hospitality Leader

This global hospitality company is a world leader in vacation ownership experiences, with approximately 400,000 owners/members, a diverse portfolio of more than sixty resorts and 10,000+ employees globally. They were looking for a full-featured requirements solution to build and deliver high-performing software in its complex, globally distributed environment.

Company Profile

The company is a world leader in vacation ownership experiences, with approximately 400,000 owners/members, a diverse portfolio of more than sixty resorts and 10,000+ employees globally. Like most large organizations, this customer struggled to define and manage requirements as its teams worked to deliver software in a complex, rapidly evolving business and technology ecosystem. With Blueprint, the hospitality leader has the necessary tool it needs to realize continued requirements improvement, leading to faster delivery of higher-quality software.

Industry: Hospitality
Employees: 10,000+
Annual Revenue: $5.5 Billion
Customer Since: 2014


"Blueprint has worked tremendously. It has helped us focus and sharpen our requirements process by having the entire requirements team using a single application. We are all providing more visibility of our work. It has opened up our process to our business partners and has helped us collaborate with them interactively. It has made us better Business Analysts and helped us collaborate in many new ways."
- IT Vice President | Global Hospitality Leader
Blueprint Selection Process

Benefits Achieved with Blueprint

In this case study, the hospitality leader needed a full-featured requirements solution to deliver high-performing software in its complex, globally distributed environment. After an initial evaluation of a shortlist of tools, they recognized that Blueprint would provide the capabilities they needed. Since implementation, the organization has realized significant improvement in its requirements as Blueprint enables its teams to:

Deliver High-Quality Non-Functional Requirements Fast
Blueprint’s non-functional requirements content accelerator provides a catalogue of more than 2,000 standard elicitation questions for non-functional requirements in various categories. Business analysts now use these accelerators to jumpstart the definition of critical non-functional requirements as it guides them through stakeholder analysis, planning, and elicitation. Blueprint enables the team to improve the quality, consistency, and completeness of non-functional requirements.
Communicate and Collaborate Robustly
With its large number of globally distributed team members, internal stakeholders, and external partners, the customer fully leverages Blueprint’s robust communication and collaboration capabilities to gather stakeholder input and enable global requirements signoff. Blueprint enables near-real-time collaboration among these groups through tool integrations, threaded discussions, and email-driven conversations. Business and technology stakeholders receive only the information relevant to them and can provide input quickly from their tools of choice. Discussions and comments are stored in Blueprint’s centralized repository, providing a record of the rationale behind decisions.
Access Most Up-to-Date Requirements Information
With Blueprint’s centralized repository, teams have been able to provide stakeholders visibility of up-to-date requirements information, including text, visual models, business rules, and related content, like regulations and policies. Business partners stay in touch with progress and easily provide feedback, which is then accessible to Business Analysts and other members of the delivery team. Teams are always working with the latest information, eliminating the challenges associated with collaborating asynchronously via email.

Challenges Faced

Like most large enterprises, this Blueprint customer struggled to define and manage requirements as its teams worked to deliver software in a complex, rapidly evolving business and technology ecosystem. Teams used old school, document-driven requirements approach, particularly on large projects, which often had thousands of requirements. They needed more structure to define, organize, and manage the volume of information involved. They knew requirements errors led to rework and project delays. As the organization assessed the problem, it realized it faced several specific challenges, including:

Difficulty Capturing Critical Non-Functional Requirements
The customer knew that critical non-functional requirements, like those for performance, security, and compliance, were essential to delivering high-quality solutions. It had to meet several regulatory constraints, including compliance with Payment Card Industry (PCI) requirements. Many of the Business Analysts, however, were unfamiliar with non-functional requirements and didn’t know how to elicit them from key stakeholders. As a result, non-functional requirements were often missed, leading to unplanned work and delays.
Large Groups of Stakeholders, Distributed Globally
Projects often involved numerous stakeholders located around the globe. These stakeholders had varying interests and busy schedules. They needed robust collaboration capabilities and real-time access to up-to-date requirements information to keep projects moving quickly. The Microsoft Word and email-based approach they were using failed to meet those requirements, instead lead to miscommunications, information bottlenecks, and faulty requirements.
Eliminating the Siloes of Project-Based Requirements
Knowing that many requirements are common across projects and systems, they wanted to institute the best practice of requirements sharing and reuse. It knew reuse would lead to improvements in quality, consistency, and speed, particularly for non-functional requirements, which frequently cross projects and systems. Reuse was virtually impossible, however, without a centralized, accessible repository of requirements information.

Blueprint Key Features

The hospitality leader realized that they needed a full-featured requirements management tool that enables them to build and deliver high-performing software products. Blueprint offered much-needed support to this global hospitality company and was shortlisted because of its exceptional RPA features:

Visual Models
Blueprint provides a single solution to capture and visualize requirements for various types of projects. Blueprint supports visual formats project and product requirements in ways that traditional, text-based documents simply cannot. The adoption of Blueprint leads to fewer errors and less unplanned work.
Robust Communication and Collaboration Features
Blueprint enables real-time collaboration amongst relevant stakeholders through webhook integrations, legacy tool integration, and threaded discussions. Business and technology stakeholders can align their goals and improve collaboration using Blueprint.
Centralized Repository
Blueprint’s centralized repository holds both regulatory and business artifacts that are versioned, auditable, secure, and scalable. This includes requirements, customer journeys, and process diagrams. The global hospitality leader was able to improve efficiency and enforce standards by enabling their users to store, search, and reuse internally predefined, validated content from the repository.

“When the Accelerator was introduced, everyone’s eyes lit up. The Accelerator is very easy to use. The moment we loaded the template, we started using it right away. It has accelerated our processes dramatically.”

Senior Solution Manager | Global Hospitality Leader

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