Value Map
Receive a complete analysis of your automation portfolio with Blueprint's Value Map Assessment
Gain precise recommendations for improvement that drive informed decisions.
Reduce operational, maintenance, and automation ownership costs.
Understand your automation portfolio. Gain the insight on where to improve and reduce costs.
Organizations rushed to automate every and any process they could. Now, they find themselves not knowing what they have in their automation portfolio. They're unaware of the complexity, size, dependencies, and redundancies of their automations. In short, they don't know which automations deliver value, which are leaving money on the table, and which are losing money.
Blueprint's technology delivers an automated and comprehensive assessment of your entire automation portfolio or detailed information on each individual process, providing recommendations on where you can improve to reduce operational costs while optimizing your entire automation estate for higher returns. Clean out what's not working so you can get leaner, more efficient, and more effective.