Announcing Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard Free Trial
One challenge persists for many RPA leaders: they don’t fully understand or even know exactly what they have in their RPA estates. We’ve covered the reasons for these gaps in knowledge on this blog several times, but as a refresher, they include employee turnover, third-party implementation, and a lack of documentation.
To address and fully solve this challenge, Blueprint offers an RPA Estate Scan and RPA Analytics that deliver instant insight into your RPA estate. This thorough and robust data not only provides the understanding and total context you might be missing from your automation estate, but it also provides actionable data on where to remove redundancies and duplicates to significantly reduce automation costs.
While this can all sound a little too good to be true, we can prove it to you. Blueprint has unveiled a free trial of their RPA Dashboards that enables automation leaders to gather instant analytics and data around some of their bots. In this article we explain what Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard Free Trial is, the value behind it, how it works, and how you can get started right away.
What is Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard Free Trial?
Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard Free Trial is free, limited access to Blueprint’s RPA Analytics Dashboards for instant analytics and insight on a portion of your RPA Estate.
You get instant access to it by filling out a short form here. As soon as the form is submitted, you will be redirected to your very own trial dashboard and can immediately upload an automation to view the analytics and insight Blueprint’s RPA Dashboards provide.
What are the Benefits of Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard Free Trial?
There are several benefits to Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard Free Trial. Besides proofing out and seeing for yourself the wealth of information that Blueprint delivers on your RPA estate, the trial offers:
- Instant and robust data on some of your bots for free
- Areas in your automation where you can reduce RPA costs
- Where you can eliminate redundancies and duplicates in your estate
- The ability to finally understand what you have in your estate.
How Does Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard Free Trial Work?
Once you’ve filled in the form to get started with Blueprint’s free trial here, you will be automatically directed to your very own RPA dashboard.
Simply follow the instructions and upload your automation or bot files you wish to assess during the trial. As soon as your files are uploaded, Blueprint will deliver instant analytics and data.
Some considerations to note are that your files cannot exceed 50 MB and your data will only be available for 7 days, however you are free to share it with your team for review. An email is also sent to you automatically when you register for the trial, providing help resources should you need them and the unique URL to your dashboard for your records.
What Kind of Data and Analytics Will I See in Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard Free Trial?
Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard provides the following data on the automations that you upload:
- Structure – characteristics of your automation, things like how big it is, the modules that make it up, how complex it is, the types of actions it has, and what applications and systems it interacts with.
- Applications – information on the applications and systems the automation interacts with and with what frequency.
- Code Blocks – the quantity and language of code (vs. RPA Actions) that are part of the automation whether they are embedded, or external from the automation and referenced.
- Unresolved References – the quantity and language of code (vs. RPA Actions) that are part of the automation whether they are embedded, or external from the automation and referenced.
How do I Get Started with Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard Free Trial?
Getting started with Blueprint’s RPA Dashboard Free Trial is as easy as filling out a short form here.
You will instantly be redirected to your very own Blueprint dashboard and can start assessing your bots immediately to gain a wealth of insight and analytics free! There are no strings attached and nothing to lose, so don’t hesitate and jump on this free RPA trial while it’s still available!
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