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IT Synergistics

IT Synergistics unites blood bank industry experts with their web-based software that manages all aspects of blood donations. Using Blueprint, they reduced rework through real-time feedback and improved communication across all of their teams.

Company Profile

IT Synergistics is a highly specialized organization that unites blood bank industry experts through an efficient and reliable software that manages all aspects of blood donation. They work directly with blood banks to ensure all software needs are met.

Industry: Medical Services & IT
Customer Since: 2018

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"Blueprint has been wonderful for improving quality control. Now developers know what has to happen before writing code, rather than struggling their way through it. That makes a big difference."
- Melinda Bryant, Managing Director | IT Synergistics
Why Blueprint

Benefits Achieved with Blueprint

“Blueprint has been wonderful for improving quality control. Now developers know what has to happen before writing code, rather than struggling their way through it. That makes a big difference.”

Melinda Bryant, Managing Director | IT Synergistics

Company-Wide Adoption
Today all of their employees use Blueprint to manage requirements and all past issues with document version control have been eliminated.
Reduced Rework
By utilizing real-time feedback and improved communications, they were able to reduce project rework from 15% to 5%.
Closed-loop Requirements
In this RPA IT case study, one of the biggest benefits achieved was having all of their teams in sync from the start and aligned on what needs to be done.

Challenges Faced

Being as dispersed as the IT Synergistics team is, getting everyone on the same page was challenging. This had the potential to lead to breakdowns between the development team and the end user implementing the software.

Stringent Compliance Demands
Some of their products, like LifeTec Elite, are classified as medical devices. This made aspects like traceability, trackability, and following FDA requirements mandatory for their product development and quality assurance processes.
Questions & Communications Lacked Clarity
Rewriting and communicating updates were time consuming for everyone, holding up approvals and increasing development costs. They also wanted to be able to simulate the user experience to ensure teams and objectives were aligned.
Storing Data & Information
Prior to Blueprint, IT Synergistics was challenged to create an interactive work environment leading to knowledge gaps between teams. This stalled future project development since information was not properly transferred across the global organization.

Blueprint Key Features

After evaluating several offerings IT Synergistics felt that Blueprint was the right software to address their company’s need for user simulation and ensure they get requirements right from the start.

FDA Requirements Traceability & Trackability
Blueprint offered the perfect solution to handle these stringent requirements which demand an account of what happened, when it happened, and by who throughout the revision process.
Real-Time Information
Since they operate virtually, it was essential that their solution provided simultaneous visibility based on real-time information.
Visual Requirements
Blueprint’s visually driven requirements definition & management solution could help support their teams through project milestones and processes. This includes authoring, management, validation, monitoring, collaboration, & system integration.

"We knew we needed a tool that had simulation capabilities to not only give us insight into how the user interacts, but also review software enhancements and provide feedback in real-time. This would drastically improve our communication throughout the organization."

Melinda Bryant, Managing Director | IT Synergistics

Reduce Manual Tasks and Align your Internal Team with Blueprint.

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