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Agile Development 101

Start here for everything you need to know about Agile theory, methodologies, application, benefits, challenges, and how DevOps is changing the game.

Learn about Agile
What is Agile Development?
Where Agile development started and how it has evolved over the years
Agile Methodologies
The most common Agile methodologies and their unique mix of practices, terminology, and tactics
Benefits and Challenges of Agile Development
The 8 primary benefits of Agile, as well as the top 3 barriers to Agile adoption
How DevOps is Changing the Game
What is DevOps, why it matters, and how to integrate business stakeholders into the value stream

Scaling Agile Enterprise-Wide

Click below to discover key concepts and actionable steps to scale Agile principles to multiple teams and stakeholders while ensuring broader business objectives stay tightly aligned with downstream deliverables.

Learn how to scale
How to secure executive buy-in
How to identify and educate Lean-Agile change agents and get buy-in from Executives, Managers, and other leaders
How to organize cross-functional teams
Critical roles to include in your cross-functional teams and how these roles interact and support one another
Implementing continuous testing and delivery
What tests to automate first, auto-generating test case requirements, and how to support continuous delivery
Tools that are critical to successfully scale
How to enable alignment, momentum, scale, and security between business, IT, and compliance stakeholders

Agile Planning & Roadmapping

Learn how to build a strong and executable product vision and roadmap, including how to forecast, make commitments, plan resources, and tie your work back to a strategic vision.

learn how to build your vision
Agile Planning Processes and Methods
The 5 levels of Agile planning activities needed in large-scale development
Release vs. Iteration/Sprint – What’s the difference?
The planning and definition necessary at each level
How to Conduct Release Planning
The inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs generated in a release plan
Characteristics of a Great Product Roadmap
What makes a great product roadmap and 4 steps for creating one that's effective and actionable

Regulatory Compliance in Agile

Learn how to transform how your organization manages regulatory change, including strategies to reduce regulatory overhead and ensure global regulatory compliance.

Learn how to reduce risk
Getting Started with Agile in a Regulated Environment
How the compliance landscape has changed in recent years and which industries are most impacted
Challenges in Managing Risk and Compliance
The internal and external challenges that can put your organization at financial or legal risk
Agile Compliance Management Best Practices
Why Waterfull methods fall short compared to leveraging Agile and DevOps
How Automation Improves Compliance Management
Tips to ensure consistency and overcome the risk of error associated with the human element in compliance
Most Popular Resources
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Here are snippets from some of the most popular pages in our Learning Center.

What is Agile Development?

“Agile Development” is an umbrella term for a number of different iterative and incremental software development methodologies.

Although many of the principles and practices of Agile development have been around for years, the average software development team has yet to embrace many of these. Even today, the average software team does not iterate and deliver software incrementally, it does not practice continuous planning, nor does it automate things like user story generation or testing. As more resources become available to help organizations understand and adopt Agile development, the trend appears to be rapidly changing for the better, especially during the last several years.

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Common Agile Methodologies

While all Agile methodologies share a common vision and core values, they also each have their own unique approach to Agile development.

The most popular Agile methodologies include Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Lean and Kanban development, Crystal, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), and Feature-Driven Development (FDD).

In terms of their commonalities, they all fundamentally incorporate iteration - and the continuous feedback it provides - to refine and deliver a successful product. They also all involve continuous planning, continuous testing, and the continuous integration of both the project and the software. Compared to traditional waterfall-style processes, they are all lightweight and inherently adaptable.

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Benefits and Challenges of Agile Development

In its simplest form, Agile offers a lightweight framework for helping teams maintain a focus on the rapid delivery of business value (i.e., bang for the buck) amidst a constantly evolving functional and technical landscape. As a result of this focus, the benefits of Agile are that organizations are capable of significantly reducing the overall risk associated with software development and accelerate the delivery of initial business value.

However, there are a number of common challenges that prevent many teams from successfully scaling Agile processes out to the enterprise level.

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How to Scale Agile Processes Across your Organization

Although DevOps has helped to accelerated Agile adoption, many teams find that scaling vertically and horizontally remains the biggest obstacle. This is primarily because they’re unable to reconcile differences between traditional development and Agile development worlds and, more specifically, the people who live in them.

In order to successfully reconcile these differences and scale Agile principles to multiple teams and stakeholders, while ensuring broader business objectives stay tightly aligned with downstream deliverables, there are 7 best practice steps that organizations should follow.

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